by Ethan Nahté
It’s time for the Arkansas Spring Take Back, taking back expired and unused drugs in a safe and responsible manner.
Opioids have become a growing concern. Did you know that 75% of U.S overdoses are due to opioids? In 2017, there were 416 overdose deaths in Arkansas. That number rose to 618 overdose deaths in 2021. Nationwide, there were 106,699 overdose deaths in 2021.
Studies show that in 2019 Arkansas had the second highest dispensing rate in the U.S. with 75.8 out of 100 persons filling prescriptions for opioids.
Flushing medications down the drain is not the way to go. The medicines dissolve in the water supply and water treatment plants are not able to remove medications. Antidepressants or opioids become toxic waste. A national study reports 60% of the earth’s groundwater found 21 hormones and 103 pharmaceuticals in our water supply.
Even throwing medications in the trash manages to find their way into water supplies. It harms marine life, which in turn may have an effect on humans consuming seafood or freshwater fish.
Leaving unused medications around can be harmful to curious pets and children. They might accidentally swallow them. Prescription and over-the-counter medications are one of the most common causes of pet poisonings in the U.S.
The number of 13-to-19-year-olds in Arkansas committing self-harm overdoses has increased. According to the Arkansas Poison Control Center, the increase since 2005 is 324%. Amongst kids 12 and younger, that percentage has increased 800% since 2005.
Be responsible for your family, your neighbors, your pets and the environment. Take unused and expired medications to an Arkansas Take Back collection site or drop-off center this Saturday, April 22, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
*The Polk County Sheriff’s Office, located behind the Polk County Court House at 507 Church Street, in Mena has a permanent collection box in the lobby of the Detention Center & Communication Center.
** If you are located in southern Polk County, you might prefer traveling to De Queen. Permanent collection boxes can be found in De Queen at
The Sevier County Sheriff’s Office, 137 Robinson Road
The 9th West Drug Task Force, 117 Ace Lane
Pruett’s Food Pharmacy, 500 E. Collin Raye Dr.
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