My Pulse News

Mena, Arkansas, News covering Polk County and the surrounding area

Daughters of the American Revolution fall kick-off event

Written by Registrar, Carolyn Hanna

James K. Polk Chapter, NSDAR


Have you ever been interested in learning about the Daughters of the American Revolution? Are you a patriotic, civic-minded woman who also loves history and volunteering for your community? Then the DAR may be just what you’re searching for.

The James K. Polk Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution will be celebrating our new year with a kick-off event on Saturday, Aug. 5, from 10 a.m.-noon, at the Ninth Street Ministries building located at 306 Ninth St. in Mena. You are cordially invited to come by to visit with us to learn more about this most worthwhile organization.

Over 1 million women have joined since the DAR was founded over 125 years ago as a place where we could pursue our passion of promoting and preserving history, encouraging historical education and patriotism in our schools, volunteering in our communities, and honoring those who have served, and are serving, our Nation through our various veterans’ programs.

Our motto is “God, Home and Country,” and our members take that sentiment to heart.  Daughters across the nation and world contribute millions of community service hours every year. We come from all walks of life, but we share a common bond of having an ancestor who helped secure the independence of the United States of America. Any woman 18 years of age or older, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, and can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution, is eligible to join.

DAR currently has more than 190,000 members in over 3,000 chapters in the U.S. and abroad. Our local meetings are casual, non-political, and always offer an educational program with the added bonus of making life-long friendships with those with whom we serve.

You can learn more about the amazing history of the DAR and what we are doing to honor our heritage and country by visiting the National Society’s website at We also encourage anyone interested in DAR to drop by our fall kick-off event and visit with us. Members will talk to you about what it means to be in the DAR and will walk you through the process of beginning the search of you family history to see if you have a Patriot in your past.  Hope to see you there!

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