By Ethan Nahté
As the latter half of February begins and 2024 is on week eight, Girl Scouts of the United States of America are going to be out there to test your will power and taunt you with Girl Scout Cookies™. But, we must have our dinner before dessert… meaning let’s get to know something about one of the three troops in Polk County.
Sharon Kreiner joined as a troop volunteer with the relatively new Girl Scout Troop No. 2148. At that time, it was only Junior girl scouts, which are fourth and fifth graders. Kreiner ended up becoming the troop leader soon afterward in 2009 after their leader stepped down. The troop meets in Hatfield but includes girls from Hatfield, Potter and Mena.
Now the troop consists of Daisies (kindergarten-first grade), Brownies (second-third grade) and Juniors. stead of moving to another troop as they level up through the six different levels that extends all the way through 12th grade, the girls can remain in the 2148 troop.
A new troop started in Mena that is currently made up of Daisies and Brownies while another multi-level troop has begun in Hatfield.
Kreiner shares her duties with co-leader Mary Hill. They help the scouts with more than just selling cookies or nuts. They help to learn important skills. Kreiner said, “They decide on the badge they won’t to work on and we can combine all the levels so they can earn it all at the same time.”
Last autumn they learned to make sorbets and are wanting to repeat that one. “We have a group of girls who are really interested in learning different things. Most of the times they really like what they’re doing and want to do it again. I have to tell them we have to learn new things. This is what we’re about.”
What they will be working on this month is first aid and stroke awareness. On Feb. 26 they are scheduled to visit Mena Regional Health System and take a tour of the hospital, which will earn them a fun patch, but it’s not the official badge they must earn on the following day.
“It’ll be part of their first aid badge,” Kreiner said. “We have someone from the hospital coming out to our meeting on the 27th and go over first aid with the girls. Depending on how much time that takes, we’ll be working on our first aid kits afterward or at our next meeting.”
The girls will learn such important things for example as what is needed in a first aid kit, learn what they are supposed to do or not do if there’s an injury, what to do for a nosebleed, how to disinfect a wound, using bandages, what to do if they come into contact with blood directly on their skin, or when and why to call 9-1-1.
“It’ll be tricky with the younger girls but the older girls will be able to handle it with no problem,” Kreiner said.
Part of scouting fun is camping. Kreiner said, “We try to teach them wood stuff because they’re starting to want to camp. So we’ve been teaching things like what you do when you see a snake. We’ve been going over if you’re hiking and you get separated with whoever you’re with, what do you do? We tell them to stay put. Usually, we’re telling them you have whistle with you and keep blowing it so you can be located. If you keep moving, they can’t locate you.”
Thursday, the girls visited Mena Mayor Seth Smith and gave him cookies. “They had a blast doing the meeting with the mayor and giving him cookies,” Kreiner said.
They’ve received their order of 120 or so cases, not individual boxes, of cookies.
The cookies will be available in Polk County very soon. Those who have pre-ordered their cookies should start receiving them this week according to Kreiner.
If you didn’t pre-order cookies, have no fear. Here is the schedule for Troop No. 2148, all at Mena Walmart with a cookie booth outside:
- Saturday, Feb. 24, noon to 4p.m.
- Saturdays and Sundays, March 2-3, 9-10, and 16-17, open throughout the day
- Cookies are $6 a box.
Everyone has their favorite flavor, and there are some households with multiple people and each one likes a different flavor. Fortunately, there are a variety of flavors when it comes to Girl Scout Cookies™. Kreiner said, “The names are a little different this year with the cookies. The Girl Scouts have two bakeries they get their cookies from. We were getting ours from Little Brownie Bakers but we’re now with ABC Bakers.”
While supplies last, Troop No. 2148 will be selling: Adventurefuls®, Lemonades®, Thin Mints®, Peanut Butter Patties® (similar to Tagalongs®), and Toast-Yay!®, all made with vegan ingredients according to the ABC Bakers website.
The Caramel Chocolate Chip cookies are certified gluten free by the Gluten Free Certification Organization.
The other flavors are Trefoils®, Caramel deLites® (similar to Samoas®), Peanut Butter Sandwich (similar to Do-Si-Dos®).
Sometimes people buy cookies then tell them to donate the cookies (believe it or not) to the organization they choose. If Troop No. 2148 receives donations this year, they’ll split the donations between the Mena and Hatfield Fire Departments.
For anyone interested in finding out more about joining a troop, call Kreiner at 479-234-9450 or attend a meeting at the Hatfield Fire Station, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Tuesdays. You can also visit and select the drop down “Get Involved.” After inputting a little information, you can search for troops in your area, or learn how to start a troop.
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