Factory is back from vacation
By Clet Litter as told to Bob Simpson
The Generic Feminine Protection Products Factory on Clear Creek was not open in February due to the employee’s annual 28-day vacation period. There was just a small crew refitting machines and performing preventative maintenance. The job force showed up today, ready to begin restocking inventory again.
There’s been extra snow on the mountains this winter, which means Clear Creek will rise to flood levels in the spring. The maintenance team added levees along the stream where the plant sits. That should keep the heavy flow from encroaching into the building, so workers won’t have to miss days at work.
International Update: Venice, Italy has muddy streets where canals full of water and pole boats used to float with tourists. The experts say the cause is an unusually low tide in that part of the world. The famous gondolas have added mudding tires to cruise through the muck. The gondoliers switched to singing songs about the Louisiana Bayou. Restaurants are going Creole with nightly entertainment. The most popular comedian has thirty minutes alone on levee humor. It’s a way for the city to adapt to the changing conditions and add a bit of leveeity.
Clear Creek is gonna flood and Venice is in the mud.
The town library is having a seminar on phone technology, Getting Past the Robots. Four hours will take you from fighting and arguing with customer service robots to winning by acting stupid. One section is over an hour on asking the robot to repeat itself, till it connects to a real person.
Next month, the session will be Understanding Customer Service Reps with Foreign Accents.
Mumford Pickens says, “If you want to create a big stir, you have to use a big spoon.” You can contact Clet Litter at bobsimpson2007@AOL.com
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