My Pulse News

Mena, Arkansas, News covering Polk County and the surrounding area

Ouachita Quilt Show and Fabulous Fall Festival

By Ethan Nahté

Just in time for cold weather, the Ouachita Quilt Show (OQS) is this weekend, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 3-4. The quilt show opens at 9 a.m. at the Polk County Fairgrounds education building in Mena. Admission is free.

Quilt show judges are from Hot Springs Area Quilt Guild and Garland County’s Crazy Quilters Extension Homemakers Club.

OQS visitors will vote for people’s choice in quilts and the pollinator-inspired quilt blocks (sponsored by the Ouachita Beekeepers Association). The show includes a featured quilter, Rebecca Romaine, and two late quilters we are honoring with a last showing of their quilts.

In addition, there will be Material Girls fabric priced to sell; the Extension Homemaker Club’s Country Store of handmade items; Bluff Springs Quilting with backing, batting, and thread; and last chance raffle tickets with proceeds funding a single parent scholarship to UA Rich Mountain.

For other details, contact Joyce Sanden, 479-234-3414.

Fabulous Fall Festival
Next door in the commercial building, the Fabulous Fall Festival features arts and crafts. The festival is also free admission and will occur the same two days as the OQS. The festival runs from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Outdoors will be The Walking Dog Food Truck and the Rich Mountain Blacksmith. Indoors will be a variety of vendors, including those with food, jams and jellies, baked goods, candy, candles, soaps, pet items, pottery, hand-sewn items, and more. Vendors are subject to change.

There will also be ceramic painting for kids, hourly door prizes and more.

For booth rental, contact Joann Mitchell at either 479-216-9033 or

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