Article and photos/videos by Ethan Nahté
Mena Regional Health System (MRHS) recently hosted Penny Wars and collected donations for Clarice’s Room of Hope. In celebration, they hosted a Pink Party with a silent auction on Nov. 14. Included was the chance to bid on throwing a pie in the face of new CEO Michael Wood. Proceeds from the event went to Clarice’s Room of Hope.
Wood’s own brother Daniel, controller at Nidec Motor Corp-Mena, not only splatted him in the face with a whipped cream pie, but took the pie up and over the top, ensuring that he smeared him quite good.
Michael Wood pied by Daniel Wood_480_sm
A second pie was for the new MRHS marketing director Amisha Mosley. Those who pied her did their best not to get it all in her hair, although they weren’t quite successful. Mosley did throw her hands out, slightly gasping for breath as she tried not to inhale or snort whipped cream.
Amisha Mosley pied-480_edit
Next, MRHS administrators Paul Ervin, CFO; John Parsons, CNO; Michael Wood; and Brandyn Gortemiller, Human Resources; all took a seat to have their hair dyed with temporary dye for the cause. Jokes flew rampant with the hairstyles, the dying of some eyebrows, the definition of “temporary,” and the fact that Wood was due at the Mena City Council meeting within the hour.
Pink Party hair dying 1
Meanwhile, Ervin took it in stride and had people bring him slices of Simple Simon’s Pizza while he had his hair dyed. There was plenty of pizza, cake and punch for all.
After the pieing and dying, Wood stood beside Teena Brown, founder of Clarice’s. The CEO spoke to the crowd in the hospital cafeteria, mainly consisting of hospital staff and family members of those having their hair turned pink or purple. “Last month was Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We always do a penny war and pick a charity to donate the money to. This year we picked Clarice’s Room of Hope. We raised more money than we’ve ever raised. I can’t think our staff enough for all of the fun you had, the competitions you had, the businesses that donated, Nidec for their last-minute donation,” he added, which garnered a few laughs, as his Daniel donated to make sure he got the pie and the dye.
The oversized presentation check was brought out, hiding the amount until Wood announced a grand total of $4,600.98.
Michael Wood presenting check to Teena Brown-Edit_480
Brown began by saying the money raised was, “over and beyond. I don’t know what else to say. We’ll put this to very good use. Our main goal is to make sure we have enough funds to supply all of the gas cards that are needed to get from here to there. Some days some [patients] have to go every day.”
Getting a bit choked up, she said, “If it wasn’t for people like you, we wouldn’t survive in this community, because it’s just hard. It’s a passion. I’m sure you all know, working in this type of work that you do, you see it all the time. It’s pretty precious when you can help somebody do something that they need so badly. Thank you all.”
Teena Brown thanking for check_480_edit
Wood lightened the mood as he held the presentation check, stating, “You can’t deposit this one.”
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