My Pulse News

Mena, Arkansas, News covering Polk County and the surrounding area

Polk County Sheriff’s log

December 25, 2023

Deputies were responded to an incident at a residence on Polk 24 near Cove leading to the arrest of Garry Helsel, 60, of Cove on charges of Communicating a False Alarm and Theft of Property. Also arrested was Floyd Head, 70, of Cove on a Body Attachment and two Failure to Appear Warrants.

Deputies were dispatched to a vehicle accident on Hwy 8 E near Mena leading to the arrest of Gerald Stice, 59, of Stillwater, OK on charges of DWI, Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test, and Driving on a Suspended Driver’s License.


December 26, 2023

Deputies were dispatched to a report of a disturbance at a residence on Hwy 71 S near Cove leading to the arrest of Kendrick Barnett, 38, of Murfreesboro on a charge of 3rd Degree Domestic Battery.

Deputies responded to a report of harassing communications. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney for further consideration.

Deputies were dispatched to a residence on Polk 492 near Vandervoort in reference to an altercation leading to the arrest of Joshua Parks, 41, of Wickes on a warrant for 2nd Degree Criminal Mischief, Stalking, Terroristic Threatening 2nd Degree, and Harassing Communications as well as charges of Resisting Arrest and Public Intoxication.


December 27, 2023

Aaron Shores, 33, of Little Rock was arrested on a charge of Disorderly Conduct.


December 28, 2023

Gary Czarnetzki, 30, of Mena was arrested by an officer with Probation Parole on warrants for Failure to Appear and Violation of Suspended Imposition of Sentence.


December 29, 2023

Deputies responded to a report of a theft of prescription medications.


December 30, 2023

Deputies were dispatched to a residence on Venable Lane near Mena in reference to a possible break-in and harassment. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney for further consideration.

A traffic stop on Hwy 8 W near Mena led to the arrest of Colby Keller, 23, of Huntington, TX on charges of DWI, Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test, Careless and Prohibited Driving, and Driving Left of Center.

Dale Dunigan, 35 of Mena was arrested on a Failure to Appear Warrant.


December 31, 2023

Deputies were dispatched to a residence on Polk 56 near Mena in reference to an unattended death.


Polk County Sheriff’s Office worked 3 vehicle accidents this week.

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