The Surface Transportation Board’s Office of Environmental Analysis (OEA) issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) today (see for the proposed acquisition of Kansas City Southern Railway Company (KCS) by Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (CP) in Docket No. FD 36500.
The Draft EIS analyzes the potential environmental impacts of the proposed acquisition, including impacts related to expected increases in rail traffic ranging from 8 to approximately 14.4 additional trains per day, on average, on CP and KCS rail lines between Chicago, Illinois and Laredo, Texas.
OEA is now inviting individuals, agencies, organizations, tribes, and other interested parties to submit comments on all aspects of the Draft EIS. Commenters may submit written comments electronically through the Board’s environmental comment form at In addition, commenters may provide oral comments at one or more of the in-person and online public meetings that OEA will hold during the public comment period.
In-person public meetings will take place on September 12, 2022, in Itasca, Illinois; September 13, 2022, in Davenport, Iowa; September 14, 2022, in Excelsior Springs, Missouri; and September 15, 2022, in Vidor, Texas.
Online public meetings will take place on September 7, 8, and 19, 2022. The Board-sponsored project website at provides additional instructions on how to submit comments and additional information on the in-person and online public meetings. Comments on the Draft EIS will be due by September 26, 2022.
OEA’s public meetings on the Draft EIS will cover only the environmental issues raised in the case. The Board will hold a separate public hearing on September 28, 29, and 30, 2022, at the agency’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. to hear comments on the merits of the proposed merger.
The Draft EIS in Canadian Pacific Railway Limited; Canadian Pacific Railway Company; Soo Line Railroad Company; Central Maine & Quebec Railway US Inc.; Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad Corporation; and Delaware & Hudson Railway Company, Inc.—Control—Kansas City Southern; The Kansas City Southern Railway Company; Gateway Eastern Railway Company; and The Texas Mexican Railway Company.
Docket No. FD 36500, may be viewed and downloaded from the pr-22-40 page provided in the first paragraph of this article.
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