Home & Garden
BY KIM HUGHES - The Extension Homemakers Council (EHC) is planning a workshop to teach people how to make an...
BY KIM HUGHES - Newly published research suggests that a specific diet called the MIND diet may reduce the incidence...
BY KIM HUGHES - Happy New Year, and let us hope we will have a great growing season in 2016! ...
BY KIM HUGHES - January - the time to start fresh, clear out the old, and get things organized. Sounds wonderful,...
BY KIM HUGHES - When the hunter in your family comes home with wild game – be it deer, rabbit,...
Perhaps the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute said it best. “Many people don’t realize just how much sugar and...
BY KIM HUGHES - Selecting gifts for senior citizens can be a real challenge, especially if they live in a...
BY KIM HUGHES - The poinsettias are here! Every year, Polk County 4-H sells poinsettias as a fundraiser to support...